Office of Multicultural Affairs records, 1987-2004 (bulk 1991-2004).
Related Entities
There are 14 Entities related to this resource.
National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (corporateBody)
Created 1887; name variations: Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Station, 1887-1919; Association of Land-grant Colleges, 1919-1926; Association of Land-grant Colleges and State Universities, 1926-1957; Association of State Universities and Land-grant Colleges, 1965- . From the description of Annual Conventions Papers, 1915-1970. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 122388174 ...
Oregon State university (corporateBody)
Oregon State University. Dept. of Ethnic Studies. (corporateBody)
Oregon State System of Higher Education (corporateBody)
The University of Oregon was created by an act of the Oregon Legislature in 1872. In 1876, the Legislature passed an act to "Provide for the Support and Government of the University of Oregon." Section 2 of that act vested the government of the University in a nine-person Board of Regents. In 1929, the Legislature established the State Department of Higher Education and invested it with the power previously held by the individual Boards of Regents at all Oregon universities. Some of the function...
Associated Students of Oregon State University (corporateBody)
The origins of student government at OSU are rooted in an 1897 campaign to fund the football team through the establishment of incidental fees. Although the College Board of Regents rejected this initial move toward the systematic funding of student activities, a student conference three years later set forth a proposed constitution and a set of bylaws for the establishment of a student governmental body that would have the power to institute and regulate student body fees. This proposal was app...
Lee, Phyllis S. (person)
Urban League of Portland (Portland, Or.) (corporateBody)
The Urban League of Portland was established in 1945 as an affiliate of the National Urban League. It is a non-profit, community-based organization whose mission has been to "enable African Americans to secure economic self-reliance, parity and power, and civil rights". The League has emphasized educational opportunity for African Americans and other youth, advocated for fair housing laws, and offered employment assistance. From the description of Urban League of Portland records, 19...
Oregon University System (corporateBody)
American Association of University Administrators (corporateBody)
Oregon State University. Office of the President (corporateBody)
On March 6, 1961, Governor Mark Hatfield signed into law the legislative act which changed the name of the institution from Oregon State College to Oregon State University. A.L. Strand served as president of Oregon State from 1942 until his retirement in 1961. Robert W. MacVicar came to Oregon State University in 1970 and served as the University President from then until his retirement in 1984. He was followed as President by John V. Byrne who served for 11 years until the end of 1995. Byrne's ...
Oregon State University. Office of Multicultural Affairs. (corporateBody)
Formed in 1991, the Office of Multicultural Affairs assists OSU in the promotion of cultural diversity, awareness, and sensitivity throughout the campus community. In this capacity, the office serves as a resource for the OSU community and the region in understanding multicultural issues; helps in the recruitment and retention of students, staff, and faculty from ethnic, racial, and other underrepresented groups; participates in curriculum development; and provides consultation services to all a...
Oregon State University. Minority Education Office. (corporateBody)
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Educational Opportunities Program (Oregon State University) (corporateBody)
The Educational Opportunities Program was created at Oregon State University in 1969 to provide support for non-traditional students. These include students of color, older than average students, students with disabilities, single parents, low-income students, and students who have been rurally isolated. From the description of Educational Opportunities Program records, 1983-1999. (Eugene Public Library). WorldCat record id: 73821681 The Educational Opportunitie...